Monday 23 October 2017

Indicatori Forex Bcs Ifx Multi Media Mobile

MetaQuotes Software Corp. 10 febbraio 2017 Con la nuova MetaTrader 5 app per iPhone e iPad. è ora possibile il login o registrati su MQL5 utilizzando un account Facebook. Tutti gli utenti di questo social network può accedere a chat e una pletora di vari servizi per MetaTrader 5 in pochi clic. Tra il folto pubblico di Facebook, un gran numero di commercianti mobili apprezzeranno sicuramente il nuovo metodo di accesso. Inoltre, dopo l'accesso al proprio account, si sarà in grado di ricevere le notifiche push da MQL5. Si tratta di un ottimo modo per ricevere la notifica di nuovi messaggi di chat, commenti su argomenti del forum e articoli appena pubblicati. 2 Febbraio 2017 La migrazione dei broker di MetaTrader 5 è in corso. Un certo numero di operatori di mercato importanti, tra cui BCS Forex, InstaForex e LiteForex, hanno recentemente annunciato il lancio della piattaforma multi-asset con copertura. Inoltre, Binary Limited, Finanza Benchmark, MIB700 e altri broker hanno iniziato ad offrire la piattaforma per i loro commercianti nel 2017. Siamo lieti di aderire alla tendenza globale ed essere tra i primi mediatori russi offrono MetaTrader 5 con l'opzione di copertura dice Kirill Ageev, il Managing Director di BCS Forex. La nostra azienda offre più di 420 strumenti di negoziazione e si sforza di offrire esclusivamente soluzioni ad alto contenuto tecnologico che ottimizzano degli scambi nella massima misura possibile. MetaTrader 5 è una piattaforma di punta senza reali alternative sul mercato in termini di popolarità tra gli operatori. Il prodotto è attivamente migliorato incoraggiando gli operatori a migliorare costantemente le loro strategie di trading e applicare nuovi strumenti di trading. Recentemente, abbiamo rilasciato l'area personale clienti aggiornati con la copertura dell'opzione (blocco) sui conti DIRECT. MT5 e NDD. MT5. Ciò consente agli operatori di aprire posizioni dirette opposte sullo stesso simbolo. Gli operatori sono in grado di passare da una modalità con un solo click nelle loro aree personali. Non c'è da meravigliarsi i nostri clienti sono attivamente passando per MetaTrader 5. Il lancio dell'opzione di copertura ha rimosso l'ultimo ostacolo impedendo loro di utilizzare la piattaforma di quinta generazione. LiteForex è stato tra i primi a fornire ai propri clienti con la piattaforma di trading MetaTrader 5 con il sistema contabile posizione di rete, note Aleksandr Mestovsky, CEO di LiteForex. Il sistema di copertura rende MetaTrader 5 ancora più popolare tra i commercianti. La possibilità di scambiare i simboli di Forex e attività in valuta tramite una singola piattaforma, la strategia potente tester multi-task, il popolare tra gli sviluppatori MQL5 sintassi lingua tutte queste caratteristiche a spingere i confini per i partecipanti del settore. Noi crediamo che MetaTrader 5 rappresenta il futuro del trading on-line. Con l'obiettivo di fornire soluzioni commerciali e servizi di intermediazione altamente competitivo per i nostri clienti, noi di Finanza BenchMark siamo orgogliosi di introdurre un tale prodotto di alta tecnologia, pienamente corrispondente alle esigenze degli operatori, aggiunge Stanislav Fortunov, Business Development Manager di Finanza BenchMark commentando la migrazione la nuova piattaforma. MetaTrader 5 caratteristica copertura permette agli utenti di esplorare i benefici di strategie di trading bidirezionali, così come di essere più flessibili in condizioni di mercato dinamiche. Siamo lieti di annunciare che Binary ha adottato 5s MetaTrader sistema contabile di copertura, in quanto amplia le possibilità commerciali per i nostri clienti, sottolinea Jean Yves Sireau, CEO di binario. Offre l'apertura di posizioni multiple per ogni strumento, una caratteristica molto popolare tra i commercianti di Forex, fornendo al contempo tutti i vantaggi della piattaforma MetaTrader prossima generazione. I commercianti sulla nostra piattaforma MetaTrader 5 possono ora usufruire di una vasta gamma di strategie di trading, reagendo sia notizie positive e negative nel mercato. 30 gennaio 2017 MetaQuotes Software presenterà le sue più recenti sviluppi in iFX EXPO Asia evento internazionale 2017 b2b che si terrà il 21-23 febbraio presso il Convention amplificatore Exhibition Centre di Hong Kong. L'evento riunirà più di 700 partecipanti. La nostra società sta per agire come sponsor workshop durante l'evento. Al Expo, si metterà in evidenza le nuove caratteristiche di tutte le versioni della piattaforma MetaTrader 5 multi-asset e condividere le sue ulteriori piani di sviluppo. Riteniamo che, queste informazioni saranno di interesse per iFX EXPO Asia visitatori fin dai tempi di MetaTrader 4 sta arrivando al termine e la quinta generazione della nostra piattaforma di trading sta gradualmente spostando alla ribalta. Entro la fine del 2016, il numero di intermediari che offrono negoziazione sui mercati finanziari tramite MetaTrader 5 ha raggiunto 100. Questa migrazione di massa ha cambiato il panorama del settore lasciando i suoi partecipanti con numerose domande: Perché i broker di commutazione per MetaTrader 5, perché è MetaTrader 5 meglio di MetaTrader 4, dovremmo anche lanciare MetaTrader 5 Risponderemo a queste domande durante il nostro laboratorio MetaTrader 5 ultimi sviluppi visitatori della manifestazione iFX EXPO Asia sapranno i nostri piani per MetaTrader 5 piattaforma e come si sta andando a influenzare l'attività di intermediazione. Inoltre, stiamo per annunciare il lancio di un nuovo progetto di tagliandi commerciante che permettono di pagare per i servizi Piattaforma integrata per MetaTrader. Broker saranno in grado di utilizzare il coupon per sostenere i loro commercianti che desiderano acquistare un hosting virtuale, un robot di mercato o di un abbonamento a un segnale di trading. Per saperne di più sul progetto presso il nostro stand. Invitiamo tutti a visitare lo stand 1. Ci vediamo alla manifestazione iFX EXPO Asia 21-23 febbraio 2017 Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre amp 19 Gennaio 2017 L'ultima MetaTrader 5 accumulo di Android è già disponibile per il download su Google Play. Aggiornare l'applicazione e provare le sue nuove caratteristiche: commercio e Storia schede offrono ora una funzionalità di ordinamento che consente di organizzare tutti i mestieri da simboli (strumenti finanziari), ordini e tempo OpenClose. A parte l'ordinamento, la scheda Cronologia consente di filtrare i commerci da simboli. Utilizzo dei grafici in modalità multi-finestra è stata ottimizzata. Il menu migliorata permette di aprire nuove finestre, eliminare quelle vecchie, così come li ri-organizzare e selezionare un layout desiderato (verticale, orizzontale o piastrelle). Scarica la versione mobile della migliore piattaforma multi-asset in questo momento e accedere a centinaia di broker e server. A causa della ondata MetaTrader 5 piattaforme in popolarità. il numero di aziende lancio della piattaforma aggiornata ai loro commercianti cresce ogni settimana. Vuoi accelerare questo processo Chiedi al tuo broker per contattarci 21 Dicembre 2016 Recentemente, una serie di importanti mediatori, tra cui ActivTrades, Just2Trade, NAS Broker e Halifax servizi di investimento, ha annunciato il lancio di MetaTrader 5 con copertura. Questa tendenza è stata sostenuta da altri operatori di mercato di primo piano: FX globale, Global Equity Brokers (GEB) e Forexer Limited. Il numero di tali società è in crescita su base settimanale completamente, più di 100 mediatori provenienti da tutto il mondo offrono già la piattaforma di punta per la negoziazione sui mercati finanziari ai propri clienti. Noi, in NAS Broker, siamo lieti di presentare ai nostri clienti MetaTrader 5 una piattaforma di trading multi-asset di nuova generazione professionale, dice Oleg Sergeev, Senior Analyst di NAS Broker. Molteplici le innovazioni tecnologiche interessanti consentono agli operatori professionali per aumentare la loro efficienza di scambio in questo momento: il linguaggio di programmazione MQL5 avanzata, la rete MQL5 Cloud, i nuovi tempi e le caratteristiche principali la profondità del mercato e la nuova strategia di tester. In NAS Broker, sosteniamo sia compensazione e di conti di copertura atto a soddisfare le esigenze delle diverse strategie di trading. Just2Trade online si concentra su soluzioni di intermediazione ad alta tecnologia per tutti i principali mercati mondiali, osserva Evgeny Zhilin, responsabile delle operazioni a Just2Trade linea, spiegando la scelta companys della piattaforma. Pur avendo un prodotto così potente come MetaTrader 5, facciamo del nostro meglio per sfruttare al massimo di esso. Attualmente, i clienti Just2Trade hanno accesso diretto a oltre 9 000 strumenti su NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE, FSE, MOEX, CME, NYMEX, ICE, EUREX, così come il mercato Forex da un singolo account sulla piattaforma di MetaTrader 5. Halifax Investment Services, un market maker Australia e Nuova Zelanda con licenza, è orgogliosa di offrire MetaTrader 5 ai propri clienti e partner globali White Label, dice Jonathan Schneider, responsabile delle vendite per Halifax. Offriamo sia negoziato in borsa e prodotti OTC tramite MetaTrader 5, quindi pienamente rivelando la sua vera natura multi-asset. MetaTrader 5 permette Halifax ei suoi partner White Label di competere su tutti i fronti. L'aggiunta di copertura soddisfa le aspirazioni di molti commercianti, MetaTrader corrente 5 utenti così come gli altri, aggiunge Ricardo Evangelista, Internazionale Desk Manager presso ActivTrades. Noi crediamo che si rivolge a molti, compresi quelli attualmente in uso MetaTrader 4. Dai primi giorni, in seguito al lancio di MetaTrader 5, la richiesta di copertura è stata una costante. Era qualcosa voluta dai commercianti interessati ad esplorare le potenzialità della piattaforma, ma messo fuori dalla limitazione di copertura. Ora che è a disposizione ci aspettiamo di vedere un aumento della domanda di MetaTrader 5. Il 12 dicembre 2016 Claws amplificatore Horns alimentatore integrato con notizie MetaTrader 5 Caratteristiche l'analisi giornaliero di azioni russe quotate alla Borsa di Mosca. Gli sviluppatori di alimentazione hanno ampliato l'elenco dei servizi forniti a causa della crescente domanda di tale analisi dai commercianti. Artigli amp Corni si concentra principalmente sulle blue chip più grandi e più liquide società russe, come la Sberbank (SBER), Rosneft (ROSN), Gazprom (GAZP), Lukoil (LKOH), la Alrosa (ALRS) e Aeroflot (AFTL). Inoltre, fornisce un'analisi periodica di futures di base, tra cui MICEX Index, Indice RTS, USDRUB, EURRUB, così come le obbligazioni e gli Eurobond. Circa 50 strumenti di trading sono coperti in totale ogni settimana. Se il vostro broker MetaTrader ha l'alimentatore, si è in grado di accedere alla serie completa di artigli amp Corni di analisi: calendario economico, segnali, analisi tecnica e fondamentale, così come i podcast video settimanali con le previsioni a lungo termine per le principali coppie di valute. 2 dic 2016 A seguito di numerose richieste dei client, abbiamo migliorato la protezione dei conti contro l'accesso non autorizzato alla piattaforma web MetaTrader 5. La maggior tutela include l'autenticazione a due fattori tramite one-time password e la possibilità di cambiare master e degli investitori password. Al fine di consentire l'autenticazione a due fattori, lanciare l'applicazione mobile MetaTrader 5. Esegui il login e scegliere l'opzione generatore OTP nella finestra Impostazioni. L'(OTP) generatore di password di una volta in grado di legare tutti i tuoi account di trading e generare automaticamente una password di sei cifre di una volta unico per ogni account. Inserire la password generata quando si accede alla piattaforma web. Congratulazioni Il vostro conto commercio è così protetto. Inoltre, la piattaforma web MetaTrader 5 aggiornato permette di cambiare master e degli investitori password. Cogliere l'occasione per creare un ID personale facile da ricordare. Un'altra importante innovazione in vetrina è la generazione automatica dei conti demo. Ora, è possibile avviare la piattaforma Web MetaTrader 5 da qualsiasi browser e iniziare a fare trading Forex, azioni, future o strumenti finanziari CFD immediatamente. Lancio MetaTrader 5 Web e testare tutte le nuove funzionalità della versione popolare piattaforme web 29 novembre 2016 Oro-i ha annunciato il lancio della Gold-i MetaTrader 5 Gateway. La nuova soluzione fornisce broker con tutti i vantaggi e le funzionalità di oro viene premiata MT4 Bridge. Gold-spero di soddisfare la crescente domanda da parte dei broker istituzionali migrando i propri prodotti chiave per la piattaforma di quinta generazione. La MT5 Gateway bassissima latenza oro-i lancia con accesso a oltre 70 Liquidity Provider e fornisce il più veloce e più affidabile integrazione tra i sistemi di trading finanziario retail e istituzionali. L'applicazione è stata progettata per funzionare con oro-i Matrix oro è altamente sofisticato, piattaforma di gestione della liquidità multi-asset modulare. Ciò significa che i broker che utilizzano il gateway possono aggregare i feed di liquidità in entrata e di offrire la propria liquidità verso i clienti. Oro-i MetaTrader 5 Gateway è il primo prodotto in oro è la soluzione di mediazione per MetaTrader 5. The Gold-i MAM Pro per MetaTrader 5 il più avanzato multi-MAM sul mercato - lancerà in Q1 2017. L'oro è-Link, RiskDB, Visual Edge e copertura per MetaTrader 5 sarà disponibile il prossimo anno. Tom Higgins, oro-i Siamo molto entusiasti della nostra nuova integrazioni con la piattaforma MetaTrader 5, Tom Higgins, CEO e fondatore di commenti Gold-i. MetaTrader 5 è un Nirvana di un sistema. Credo che sarà la piattaforma di riferimento per gli intermediari di vendita al dettaglio entro i prossimi due anni, che è il motivo per cui stiamo investendo così pesantemente nello sviluppo del prodotto complesso e richiede tempo per migrare il nostro software leader di mercato per MT5. Noi continueremo a sviluppare il nostro portafoglio MetaTrader 5, con particolare attenzione alla continua innovazione, al fine di aiutare i broker di gestire il rischio in modo più efficace. Sempre più mediatori scelgono MetaTrader 5, e gli sviluppatori cercano di tenere il passo con questa nuova tendenza, Aytugan Khafizov, MetaQuotes Software COO dice. Questa è la migliore prova della importante cambiamento nella bilancia del potere verso la nuova piattaforma. Ringraziamo oro-i per la cooperazione e non vediamo l'ora di ricevere soluzioni più interessanti da loro, che migliorerà ulteriormente le funzionalità della piattaforma MetaTrader 5. 24 novembre 2016 Il pannello di Trading con un clic è diventata ancora più conveniente nel MetaTrader 5 applicazione aggiornata. Il pannello è ora inoltre disponibile in modalità verticale. Il volume degli scambi nel pannello può essere rapidamente modificato selezionando un valore desiderato dall'elenco. Ora, la sezione Impostazioni dell'applicazione MetaTrader 5 dispone di informazioni sul conto di trading corrente. Inoltre, abbiamo organizzato convenientemente le unità della sezione e aggiornato il suo design. Un'altra nuova opzione permette di cambiare il simbolo descritto direttamente dal grafico facendo clic sul nome del simbolo nell'intestazione della finestra. Aggiornare l'applicazione in questo momento l'ultima versione di MetaTrader 5 è ora disponibile in App Store. 18 Novembre 2016 Il MetaTrader piattaforme di trading sono stati assegnati in due categorie alla Finanza magnati Awards 2016.MetaTrader 5 è stata premiata con la piattaforma di trading migliore Multi-Asset, mentre MetaTrader 4 è stata nominata la migliore piattaforma FX Trading. La cerimonia di premiazione è stato un accordo finale della Finanza Magnati vertice il 15 novembre 2016. Questo evento anni ha riunito più di 2000 specialisti del settore finanziario e le 90 aziende partecipanti, che è stato un numero record di alto di visitatori. MetaTrader 4 e MetaTrader 5 hanno battuto i loro concorrenti e ha guadagnato il maggior numero di voti in una procedura di voto indipendente. Questi premi sono stati scelti dai partecipanti al mercato attuale e riflettono oggettivamente la situazione del mercato in tutto il mondo. Questo non è il primo successo dei nostri prodotti ai Finanza magnati Awards: piattaforme MetaTrader l'anno scorso sono stati premiati con la migliore piattaforma di negoziazione e il miglior prodotto mobile. Siamo orgogliosi che MetaTrader è la scelta dei principali attori del settore finanziario. 16 nov 2016 Il linguaggio MQL4 per strategie di trading di programmazione balzò 77 posizioni nella indice di popolarità TIOBEs lingua. MQL4 debuttato come TIOBEs No.118 in 14 dicembre e ha saltato alla posizione 41 ° da novembre 16. Si deve notare che gli autori indice trattare sia MQL4 e MQL5 come una lingua MQL4. TIOBE è l'indice più popolare di linguaggi di programmazione, mostrando le dinamiche classifica lingua oltre alla sua attuale posizione. L'indice viene aggiornato una volta al mese che mostra quali lingue stanno diventando sempre più popolari, e quali lingue perdono le loro posizioni. Il metodo di calcolo del rating è descritto in dettaglio qui. Il criterio principale è il numero di risultati dei motori di ricerca per le query che contengono il nome della lingua. Il più delle volte MQL4MQL5 è richiesto a Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia e YouTube, maggiore è la posizione della lingua nell'indice. 77 posizioni fino a 2 anni è un salto impressionante, che è una prova di una crescente popolarità del trading sviluppo di robot per le piattaforme MetaTrader. Vogliamo ringraziare tutti gli utenti che sostengono il trading algoritmico e le lingue MQL4MQL5 15 novembre 2016 Il MetaTrader 5 piattaforma ora supporta il sistema di pagamento Skrill, che consente di effettuare transazioni on-line in oltre 40 valute, semplicemente specificando un indirizzo e-mail. Skrill è il metodo di pagamento ottava presenti nel piattaforma di trading popolare. MetaTrader 5 supporta anche Visa, MasterCard e UnionPay carte, così come i sistemi di MQL5munity, PayPal, WebMoney, Neteller e pagamenti elettronici. La piattaforma MetaTrader 5 supporta una vasta gamma di opzioni di pagamento per aiutarvi ad acquistare robot commerciale dal mercato o Paghi solo per la Virtual Hosting e abbonamenti segnale utilizzando il metodo di pagamento preferito. Pagamenti possono essere eseguite direttamente dalla piattaforma. Al fine di pagare per un servizio desiderato utilizzando Skrill, selezionare l'opzione di pagamento appropriata, inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail, specificare la password e confermare la transazione: pagare per i servizi trader è facile e veloce MetaTrader 5 supporta ora i mondi di pagamento più popolare metodi 2 novembre 2016 Guarda i due nuovi video su MetaTrader 5 piattaforme mobili sul nostro canale YouTube. I video vi guiderà attraverso la MetaTrader 5 per iOS e Android in soli 2 minuti. Le piattaforme mobili MetaTrader 5 sono dotate di tutto il necessario per un trading di successo sul mercato Forex e gli scambi a livello mondiale: l'analisi tecnica a tutti gli effetti, potente sistema di scambio con tutti i tipi di ordini e la profondità del mercato. Sviluppiamo attivamente le nostre applicazioni rilasciando nuova costruisce regolarmente. Dopo aver visto i nostri video, potrete conoscere tutte MetaTrader 5 funzioni mobili, tra cui le più recenti innovazioni. Questi video sono le guide visuali finale per la MetaTrader 5 applicazioni che presentano tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere ma erano troppo paura di leggere nelle note di rilascio. Ti è piaciuto l'video Visita il nostro canale ufficiale MetaQuotes Software YouTube per trovare altri video sulla piattaforma MetaTrader 5 e dei suoi servizi incorporati. Il canale ha già 40 video tutorial organizzati in playlist per la vostra convenienza. 25 Ottobre 2016 Mentre il MetaTrader 5 del desktop cresce in popolarità, la versione web del momento guadagni piattaforma pure. Sempre più intermediari offrono ai loro clienti la possibilità di scambiare direttamente nei loro browser. L'ultimo aggiornamento MetaTrader 5 permette di aprire rapidamente un conto demo in una società di intermediazione. Questa funzione è disponibile solo sul sito MQL5. Vuoi testare la piattaforma web utilizzando i mediatori conto di prova Avviare il WebTerminal su MQL5munity e scrivere il nome broker nella finestra di apertura conto. Dopo aver selezionato il server broker, si accede al conto demo e si è pronti ad andare. Prova il terminale web aggiornato MQL5 17 Ottobre 2016 MetaQuotes Software Corp. ha annunciato l'integrazione della piattaforma MetaTrader 5 con società di broker Alpari uno dei leader mondiali nel settore di intermediazione Forex. Alpari è stato aggiunto al pool di fornitori di liquidità per MetaTrader 5, offrendo preventivi per 44 coppie di valute e 2 metalli spot, tra cui XAGUSD e XAUUSD. Il broker Alpari offre eccellenti opportunità per i clienti istituzionali, come ad esempio l'esecuzione immediata delle operazioni di trading, liquidità illimitata, e un approccio individuale a condizioni commerciali. Alpari e MetaQuotes Software Corp. sono stati a lungo in collaborazione, nell'ambito del quale Alpari è stato il primo broker al mondo ad introdurre ai loro clienti la piattaforma aggiornata MetaTrader 5 con l'opzione di copertura, commenta Alexander Novodvorsky, COO di Alpari. Si tratta di uno sviluppo logico che Alpari è diventato uno dei primi fornitori di liquidità integrato in MetaTrader 5. Noi crediamo che oggi, MetaTrader 5 è una delle piattaforme di trading più avanzate che offrono una struttura di sistema di trading altamente tecnologico. Alexander Novodvorsky, Alpari Siamo lieti di ampliare ulteriormente la cooperazione con il nostro partner affidabile Alpari, dice Renat Fatkhullin, CEO di MetaQuotes Software Corp. Questo broker leader internazionale è diventata una delle prime aziende a fornire liquidità illimitata per MetaTrader 5 intermediari. Questo è un passo importante nello sviluppo della piattaforma istituzionale MetaTrader 5 e le sue opportunità per l'attività di intermediazione. 16. ottobre 2016 La nuova versione di MetaTrader 4 Android dotato di un libero chat incorporata che consente agli operatori di chattare con gli altri membri MQL5munity. Specificare gli utenti desiderati login in una sezione destinatari dei messaggi per inviare un messaggio direttamente a questo dispositivo mobile gli utenti. La chat integrata permette di comunicare con qualsiasi operatore in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo attraverso il sito MQL5 o un dispositivo Android. Come forse sapete già, la chat per MetaTrader 5 Android è stato rilasciato nel mese di agosto 2016. Tra le altre cose, abbiamo anche aggiunto di MetaTrader 4 Android la possibilità di modificare i livelli di indicatori e tradotto l'interfaccia in Hindi e indonesiano. Scarica l'applicazione aggiornata e comunicare con i commercianti tramite il built-in videochat 13 ottobre 2016 in seguito alla crescita in MetaTrader 5 popolarità. broker sono ora interessati a soluzioni in più si estendono le sue capacità. In risposta a questa domanda, erogatori Plugit Apps Business Solution ha rilasciato un servizio di automazione di gestione patrimoniale integrata con la piattaforma popolare. MetaTrader 5 PLG Management Module Multi-Asset (MAMM) è una speciale plug-in sul lato server con un'interfaccia web progettato per i broker e asset manager professionisti. L'applicazione semplifica e ottimizza l'interazione tra un gestore di fondi (Master) e una commerciale investitore nella piattaforma MetaTrader 5 multi-asset. I seguenti tipi di asset management sono supportati: Equity Ratio Lot (MAM), Rapporto di cassa del capitale proprio (PAMM) e volume uguale. PLG MAMM permette money manager negoziazione su MetaTrader 5 piattaforma per piazzare la grandi operazioni di blocco da un account master attraverso un numero illimitato di account investitori utilizzando una varietà di strategie e tipologie diverse allocazioni. L'applicazione MAMM PLG è inoltre dotato di un potente strumento di reporting che consente ai manager di gestire la loro lista di clienti, oltre a valutare le loro performance attraverso report statistici avanzati e grafici. Spinto dalla maggiore adozione di MetaTrader 5 tra i principali broker, Plugit rese conto era giunto il momento di investire pesantemente su MetaTrader 5 soluzioni per soddisfare la crescente domanda di tali prodotti, dice Jalal Faour, CEO di Plugit Apps. Oggi, siamo orgogliosi di essere tra i primi ad avere lanciato con successo una vasta gamma di affidabili MetaTrader 5 prodotti, in particolare la nostra soluzione chiavi in ​​mano, PLG MAMM. La nostra soluzione permette MAMM MetaTrader 5 broker di sfruttare la loro piattaforma e servono Gestori oltre ai clienti al dettaglio. Siamo molto felici di aver lavorato a stretto contatto con MetaQuotes prima di distribuire questa soluzione innovativa. Jalal Faour, Plugit Apps inviare una mail a salesplugitapps o chiamare 357 25 025.026 per saperne di più circa la MetaTrader 5 PLG MAMM plug-in e testare la versione di prova gratuita. 3 OTTOBRE 2016 Continuiamo espandere il nostro pool di fornitori di liquidità per la piattaforma MetaTrader 5 multi-asset Swissquote Bank è diventato il settimo. Il MetaTrader 5 Gateway di Swissquote è stato sviluppato dagli ingegneri Swissquote. La Swissquote Gateway offre agli istituti l'accesso alla liquidità affidabile a cambi bassi con velocità di esecuzione. Un'altra caratteristica di prodotto importante è la vasta scelta di beni offerti. Swissquote fornisce preventivi per il Forex, metalli preziosi, e CFD su indici azionari, l'Energia e obbligazioni. Siamo impegnati a nostro rapporto a lungo termine con MetaQuotes e apprezziamo l'opportunità di fornire liquidità ai propri utenti, dice Ryan ortiche, il capo di FX Trading e strategia per il mercato a Swissquote Bank. Il nostro impegno per ottimizzare costantemente i nostri sistemi ci ha permesso di distribuire in modo efficiente la nostra liquidità in tutto il nostro FX, metalli preziosi e prodotti CFD, permettendoci di essere una scelta eccellente per MetaTrader 5 utenti. Ryan Nettles, Swissquote Ringraziamo il nostro partner di lunga data Swissquote Bank per la collaborazione, aggiunge Renat Fatkhullin, CEO di MetaQuotes Software. Il nuovo gateway rende la piattaforma MetaTrader 5 ancora più attraente per i mediatori. Sarà difficile essere in grado di trovare una soluzione più funzionale per i gateway di trading on-line 5 di integrazione sono stati rilasciati per la piattaforma negli ultimi due mesi, e questo non è il limite, visto che stiamo attualmente negoziando con altri partner. Una maggiore attenzione alla MetaTrader 5 incoraggia di sviluppare ulteriormente la piattaforma di sbloccare il suo potenziale al meglio. 29 settembre 2016 Continuiamo a migliorare la MetaTrader piattaforma web 5 multi-asset e di espandere le sue caratteristiche. L'ultimo aggiornamento permette di scambiare in vostro browser preferito con un comfort ancora maggiore. Avviare il terminale web e provare le ultime novità: Aggiunta la possibilità di ridimensionare i blocchi di applicazioni web, tra cui Market Watch e finestre Grafico dei prezzi. Aggiunta la possibilità di ordinare in colonne nel commercio e Storia schede della finestra Casella degli strumenti. La larghezza delle colonne può essere changed. Added Dettagli scheda e la possibilità di aggiungere rapidamente un symbol. Increased la velocità di funzionamento del terminale web globale a causa della ottimizzazione del codice. inizializzazione account, aggiungendo simboli e di negoziazione si sono svolti anche fasterDespite tutte le modifiche, la cosa principale rimane intatto MetaTrader 5 Web è ancora la piattaforma web più versatile e conveniente. 27 Settembre 2016 MetaQuotes Software Corp. presenterà gli ultimi sviluppi a Mosca Financial Expo 2016. L'evento si terrà il 2-3 Novembre al Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Moscow che riunisce più di 50 aziende e 3000 visitatori. Il nostro laboratorio Expo sarà sicuramente suscitare interesse tra molti professionisti del settore dal momento che sono già eccitati dalla notizia MetaTrader 5 e guardare avanti per un ulteriore sviluppo della piattaforma. Questa non è una sorpresa dal momento che i broker sono state trasferendo i loro clienti verso la piattaforma multi-asset per il trading online durante tutto l'anno in corso. Dopo il recente avvento del sistema di copertura. MetaTrader 5 rafforza progressivamente la sua presenza in tutto il mondo, spostando l'equilibrio di potere nel settore. Al di Mosca Expo, sveleremo i nostri progetti per il futuro, oltre a fornire i dettagli sulle prossime caratteristiche della piattaforma e dei loro benefici per gli operatori. L'ammissione al Moscow finanziaria Expo 2016 è gratuito. Registrati per l'evento nella pagina principale del sito ufficiale dell'Expo. Se si desidera impostare un incontro con i membri del nostro team nel corso della manifestazione, contattare Artiom Jarkoy a artiommetaquotes. 26 Set 2016 La nuova versione della MetaTrader 5 piattaforma mobile Android dispone l'utilizzo ottimizzato dei grafici di prezzo: L'applicazione supporta la modalità multi-finestra che consente agli operatori di monitorare le variazioni di prezzo su più simboli contemporaneamente. Aggiunta la possibilità di modificare l'altezza di un indicatore sottofinestra. Ora, la piattaforma mobile dispone di un pulsante di selezione rapida simbolo e un menu separato di impostazioni del grafico. Queste non sono tutte le innovazioni disponibili nella versione più recente dell'applicazione. Abbiamo anche aggiunto la possibilità di modificare i livelli di indicatori e tradotto l'interfaccia in bulgaro. Aggiornare l'applicazione in questo momento l'ultima MetaTrader 5 per il vostro dispositivo Android è già disponibile su Google Play 14 settembre 2016 MetaQuotes Software presenterà le sue più recenti sviluppi in Fintech annuale Finanza Magnati vertice di Londra 2016 evento che si terrà il 14-15 Novembre al cuore della City di Londra The Brewery. Al vertice di Londra 2016, MetaQuotes dimostrerà la nuova MetaTrader 5 caratteristiche e l'intero ecosistema centrato attorno alla piattaforma multi-asset. Quest'anno, MetaTrader 5 gode di un aumento di popolarità dopo l'avvento della funzione di copertura. nuovi gateway di integrazione di piattaforme CQG e Interactive Brokers e il lancio versione web. Inoltre, in previsione del vertice di Londra, l'azienda ha preparato un paio di innovazioni di alto profilo che devono migliorare in modo significativo le possibilità di piattaforma di trading, alzare il commercio a un livello completamente nuovo e cambiare il panorama di tutta l'industria. London Summit 2016 è più grande d'Europa conferenza B2B nel settore finanziario dedicato alla negoziazione, investimenti e mercati dei capitali. Questo evento anni riunirà oltre un migliaio di esperti e amministratori delegati di aziende che operano in mercati Forex e opzioni binarie, come pure nel settore Fintech. London Summit 2016 14-15 Novembre The Brewery, Londra 12 settembre 2016 MetaQuotes Software Corp. è lieta di annunciare l'ingresso di integrazione di LMAX Exchange. il sistema multilaterale di negoziazione (MTF) per la negoziazione FX, metalli preziosi e indici. Il MetaTrader 5 Porta LMAX scambio consentirà broker, fondi e operatori professionali di accedere in streaming liquidità ordine limite, la scoperta di prezzo trasparente ed esecuzione di qualità scambio. La funzione non ultimo sguardo applicato dalla LMAX cambio significa che gli ordini siano respinte né re-citato prima dell'esecuzione. Con l'aumento della domanda tra broker e operatori istituzionali per il neutro, il conflitto esecuzione libera e trasparente, il nuovo gateway per LMAX cambio assicura che MetaTrader 5 offre ai propri clienti migliori di infrastrutture di mercato razza, di liquidità, di esecuzione e di streaming in tempo reale i dati di mercato. Attualmente, Lmax Exchange offre più di 70 coppie di valute e indici e materie prime più popolari CFD. Scott Moffat, cambio LMAX Scott Moffat, COO di LMAX Exchange, ha commentato: Sono molto orgoglioso del rapporto di lavoro in corso con MetaQuotes e il valore che porta ai nostri clienti di intermediazione al dettaglio, offrendo tecnologia all'avanguardia e l'accesso al mercato globale. Il MetaTrader 5 gateway per LMAX Exchange è una testimonianza della nostra innovazione e l'impegno comune per fornire la migliore esecuzione. 1 settembre 2016 La piattaforma di MetaTrader 5 di trading è stato integrato con uno dei principali fornitori di liquidità Forex e CFD FXCM Pro. Ora, i broker, gli investitori istituzionali e gli operatori professionali possono beneficiare pienamente esecuzione commercio veloce e affidabile sui mercati Forex e CFD. Questo gateway connettività nativa sviluppata da MetaQuotes Software Corp. prevede lo scambio di dati affidabile tra MetaTrader 5 e il software di fornitori di liquidità. Il gateway permette broker di connettersi a FXCM Pro al fine di ricevere i dati di mercato ed eseguire operazioni di commercio sul lato fornitori. I benefici della connettività diretta ai fornitori di liquidità a livello globale sono evidenti: i broker possono coprire gli ordini Forex attraverso l'accesso ai mercati interbancari, fornendo ad un prezzo per i loro commercianti. Brandon Mulvihill, MD e Global Head of FXCM Pro ha dichiarato, FXCM Pro è entusiasta di essere tra i primi fornitori di liquidità per completare un'integrazione personalizzata per MetaTrader 5. Ancora una volta, MetaQuotes è in prima linea di fornire strumenti basati su richiesta del cliente, il cui centro intorno velocità e trasparenza di esecuzione. La nostra integrazione congiunta elimina la necessità di un gateway esterno, riducendo così i tempi di latenza e permettendo ai clienti l'accesso a una piscina di liquidità FXCFD che genera, in media, oltre 14 miliardi di volumi e di oltre 550.000 compravendite, tutti i giorni. Brandon Mulvihill, FXCM Pro Siamo impegnati a fornire ai nostri clienti la connettività per i migliori fornitori di liquidità a livello globale nei mercati forex e azionari, ha detto Renat Fatkhullin, CEO di MetaQuotes Software Corp. Noi continuiamo ad espandere le possibilità della mutli-asset MetaTrader 5 piattaforma per gli investitori istituzionali, e ci rilascerà più gateway presto. 30 agosto 2016 Il numero di intermediari che offrono MetaTrader 5 ai loro clienti è in crescita su base settimanale. Due mesi fa, abbiamo riportato che l'aggiunta della funzione di copertura per la piattaforma ha aumentato in modo significativo la sua popolarità. Un certo numero di importanti mediatori, tra cui Alpari e RoboForex, sono passati a MetaTrader 5. Sono stati recentemente seguiti da ForexTime (FXTM), Swissquote, FIBO, FBS e Gruppo UTILE. Molte altre istituzioni finanziarie sono attivamente testando la piattaforma e si prepara a unirsi a loro. Tra i motivi per passare a MetaTrader 5, broker sottolineano le piattaforme tecnologiche avanzate e versatilità. rappresentanti FIBO Group sottolineano che MetaTrader 5 piattaforma è la più moderna piattaforma di trading multi-mercato, che fornisce tutte le caratteristiche necessarie, il che rende trading online sui mercati finanziari facili. Jameel Ahmad, ForexTime In linea con FXTMs impegno a fornire i commercianti le soluzioni più innovative del settore, siamo immensamente orgogliosi di essere uno dei primi broker di offrire l'ultimo e più atteso versione della piattaforma di trading MetaTrader 5 dice ForexTime Vice Presidente Corporate Development Jameel Ahmad. Con l'opzione di copertura, i clienti possono prendere il loro commercio a un livello completamente nuovo. L'ultima versione della piattaforma consentirà ai trader a prendere più vantaggio dalle mutevoli condizioni di mercato e di fornire ulteriore precisione oltre i loro commerci consentendo loro di implementare, ottimizzare e, su strategie di trading bidirezionali. Ryan Nettles, Swissquote Come uno dei primi adottanti MetaTrader 5, MetaTrader 5 offre Swissquote maggiore scalabilità di business rispetto al MetaTrader 4 aggiunge capo del forex trading e strategia per il mercato a Swissquote Ryan Nettles. I nostri clienti sono ora in grado di utilizzare questa nuova funzionalità di copertura in MetaTrader 5, nonché beneficiare delle piattaforme di funzionalità aggiuntive, tra profondità del mercato e le funzionalità di sviluppo algo più avanzate. La tendenza per la commutazione attiva di MetaTrader 5 prevarrà nel prossimo futuro. La piattaforma sta gradualmente diventando uno standard di settore per i principali broker e operatori, mentre la sua funzionalità è in continua espansione. Negli ultimi due mesi, MetaTrader 5 ha visto il rilascio ufficiale della sua versione web, due gateway di integrazione per CQG e Interactive Brokers piattaforme, così come gli aggiornamenti di applicazioni mobili per iOS e Android, mentre la profondità piattaforme di funzionamento del mercato è stato aggiornato con la funzione di amplificatore vendite Tempo per l'analisi mercati dei cambi. Inoltre, rispondendo al crescente numero di prime armi MetaTrader 5 commercianti, MetaQuotes Software ha rilasciato una serie di video tutorial come guida attraverso le caratteristiche della piattaforma di 5 ° generazione. 28 August 2016 The latest MetaTrader 4 for iPhoneiPad features a completely new design of messages. MQL5munity messages and push notifications from the desktop platform are displayed as chats similar to those used in popular messaging apps. In addition, it is now possible to switch to any of the 22 available languages straight from the platform. Specify your preferred language in the settings without changing your device language. Update your application to try the new feature. The latest version of MetaTrader 4 is now available on the App Store 22 August 2016 The MetaTrader 5 multi-asset platform continues expanding its trading features: the gateway to CQG platform goes live following the recent release of the gateway to Interactive Brokers. The application developed by Forexware provides direct access to CME, CBOT, NYMEX, ICE, EUREX and dozens of other global exchanges. The range of instruments traded on the exchanges is as wide as possible varying from futures and options to indices and counter spreads. The market depth is available for all these instruments. For over 15 years, CQG, Inc. has provided quotes to global banks, investment companies, brokers and other major market participants. The companys own infrastructure allows it to receive quotes directly from exchanges without intermediaries. Thus, the MetaTrader 5 Gateway to CQG will surely take its place among the tools of exchange traders that require transparent quotes and lightning-fast order execution. The first purchase orders for the CQG gateway have started arriving already. We will update you on the unfolding situation as the introduction of the gateway to CQG by brokers gains traction. We are very happy to be partnering with MetaQuotes and CQG on this new MetaTrader 5 gateway. states Fred Scala, Forexware Vice President Global Head of Sales. With this integration our clients will be able to access OTC FX, Futures and Equities in one platform with full depth of book. Were confident that MetaTrader 5 will become the new industry standard for all brokers going forward. We are excited to connect MetaTrader 5 customers to new markets worldwide. States Mike Glista, CQG Vice President Continuum. Through our Continuum Connect API these customers can access real-time and historical market data for futures, equities, and foreign exchange instruments while also connecting to our fast and reliable trade routing infrastructure. We thank Forexware for the cooperation and express a strong belief that the released gateway will take its rightful place on the market, states Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Software. This year, the MetaTrader 5 trading platform has received hedging support and a cross-platform web version, actively reinforced its presence in the Asian markets and added a variety of integration gateways. All this has naturally caused a stir among Exchange and Forex brokers. We are not going to rest on our laurels. Instead, we intend to speed up both the platform development and its expansion into new markets. . 9 August 2016 The updated MetaTrader 5 for iPhoneiPad features a completely new design of messages. Now, MQL5munity messages and push-notifications from the desktop platform are displayed as chats similar to those used in popular messaging apps. In addition, it is now possible to switch to any of the 23 available languages straight from the platform. Specify your preferred language in the About section without changing your device language settings. Update your MetaTrader 5 for iOS app the new build is already available on the App Store 5 August 2016 The new version of the MetaTrader 5 for Android features a free built-in chat, which traders can use to chat with other MQL5munity members straight from the platform. Now it is possible to send an instant message directly to a selected recipients mobile device. Now traders can chat with any MQL5munity member at any time and at any place via mql5 web site or a mobile device. Also, the built-in chat has recently been added to the desktop version of the MetaTrader 5 platform. Another convenient feature of the new MetaTrader 5 Android is the quick transfer of SSL certificates from the desktop platform to a mobile device. If you need to transfer a certificate, open the MetaTrader 5 desktop platform. and select the transfer option from the account context menu in the Navigator window. Specify the master password of the account in the new window and set the new password consisting of 8 digits to protect the certificate. Next, launch the mobile application and connect to your account. You will be immediately prompted to import the certificate and to enter the numeric password that you have specified in the desktop MetaTrader 5 platform. È tutto. In addition, we have translated the MetaTrader 5 mobile application interface into two more languages (Dutch and Farsi), so now users can choose from 24 languages available Update your MetaTrader 5 Android App and enjoy all the new features - the new build is already available on Google Play 1 August 2016 MetaQuotes Software and oneZero Financial Systems announce a new connectivity gateway for integration with Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. available through the oneZero Hub product. The gateway provides the possibility to trade stocks, futures and other exchange traded instruments on the largest global exchanges, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), London Stock Exchange (LSE), Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX), Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) and others. In addition to securities and futures, the oneZero Hub Gateway allows trading currency pairs, CFDs, and precious metals, with the Market Depth data available for all applicable instruments. The gateway also enables brokers to automatically perform corporate actions for selected securities (for example, to accrue dividends) for all traders who have open positions on that security. The full list of symbols and exchanges. to which the new gateway provides access, is available on the Interactive Brokers website (any symbol except options can be traded in MetaTrader 5). An important advantage to this setup is that brokers using the Interactive Brokers Gateway have the ability to access multiple exchanges through a single connection, without the need to connect to the exchanges or to clearing agencies directly. Brokers interested in utilizing the oneZero Hub Gateway to MetaTrader 5 should contact oneZero Financial Systems. To activate the connectivity to Interactive Brokers, an active account with IB is required. oneZero is very excited to have worked directly with MetaQuotes on this important and long-anticipated integration, Andrew Ralich, CEO of oneZero, commented on the partnership. We have been working hand-in-hand with MetaQuotes and Interactive Brokers to support the recent surge in demand for MetaTrader 5 Gateway connectivity, leveraging our Hub solution and existing technology platform. The addition of Interactive Brokers is an excellent complement to the institutional features, such as Depth of Market, available in the MetaTrader 5 Platform. The release of the oneZero Gateway to Interactive Brokers is an important step for MetaTrader 5, said Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. Now millions of users of our platform have a unique opportunity to trade stocks and futures of international corporations on fifteen of the twenty largest global exchanges 20 July 2016 Last Friday, the new MetaTrader 5 trading platform build 1375 with the Time amp Sales option was officially released. The Time amp Sales feature in the Market Depth window enables users to view the real-time list of all exchange transactions. The Time amp Sales list provides in-depth trading data, including records on time, direction, price and volume of each transaction. Trade volumes are displayed as a histogram, with a color coding of different trade directions: Time amp Sales provide a detailed view of trading activity on various price levels. An increasing activity of buyers and sellers can indicate the upcoming rise or fall in security prices. Trade volumes and frequency can provide an indication of the current market sentiment and emphasize the importance of individual price levels. Although the Time amp Sales option is primarily used by intraday traders, it also provides useful data for long-term traders who prefer to hold their positions open for a few days. In addition to the visual analysis of Time amp Sales, the featured data can be exported to a CSV file for further analysis using third-party applications, such as MS Excel. If you want to evaluate the new functionality, open a demo account with MetaQuotes-Demo and updated your MetaTrader 5. Your brokers platform should be updated to version 1375, in order to enable proper operation of Time amp Sales on live accounts. Start using the Time amp Sales option now, and take full advantage of the MetaTrader 5 exchange trading capabilities 19 July 2016 More and more brokers choose MetaTrader 5 as the primary platform for providing services to their traders. Alpari has noted significant growth on the number of new trading accounts. Representatives of RoboForex have also reported a steep increase in the number of accounts opened through the MetaTrader 5 platform. Furthermore, a growing number of traders on Moscow Exchange tend to choose the new platform and switch to MetaTrader 5 brokers. At the same time, brokers and platform developers have recorded an increase in the number of requests for technical support from traders who are actively exploring the new platform capabilities. For this reason, MetaQuotes Software has prepared a series of MetaTrader 5 video guides for both brokers and their technical support teams. These five-minute videos aim to familiarize traders with all analytical and trading features of the platform. The videos provide general information on all basic features, as well as explanation on additional services, including the Market of trading robots. the Trading Signals service, Virtual Hosting and the Freelance resources. For convenience, the videos contain links to detailed video tutorials of other platform components. We can handle the increased load from traders and brokers, said Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. We expect an intensified influx of clients, and we are preparing new efficient solutions to serve traders. For example, now we are looking to integrate video tutorials straight into the platform. This can provide traders with quick access to assistance and reduce the load on brokers internal help desk. The new videos with professional English and Russian voice over are available on the MetaQuotes official YouTube Channel. The videos are also available with subtitles in 8 languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish. Watch the short video and discover the new features of MetaTrader 5 in five minutes 5 July 2016 MetaQuotes Software Corp. announced the release of the web version of the multi-asset MetaTrader 5 platform. It allows trading Forex and exchanges from any browser and operating system. MetaTrader 5 web version has been designed based on numerous requests from traders and brokers. The application combines the key advantages of the desktop platform (high speed, support for multiple markets and expanded trading functions) with the convenience of the cross-platform nature of the web terminal. The web platform allows traders to perform technical analysis and trading operations just like in the desktop version. Only Internet connection is necessary, no software installation is required. The application features netting and hedging systems, 31 technical indicators, 23 analytical objects, one-click-trading and the entire set of trading orders. The program interface has been translated into 41 languages making it a truly international platform for web traders around the world The key feature of the release version is the depth of market, which was not present in the beta version. It allows setting market and pending orders to buy and sell stocks, currencies, futures and CFDs in a single click. We currently see the explosive growth in the popularity of desktop MetaTrader 5 with support for hedging, says Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. We expect the web version of the product to spark similar excitement, since it is an excellent opportunity for traders to try the most advanced platform on the market by simply opening a new browser tab. 17 June 2016 Recently, one of the domestic Russian brokers Solid Financial Services has launched the MetaTrader 5 trading platform with the hedging system of position accounting. Following RoboForex, Alpari, FX Choice and other companies, SFS has become one of the first foreign exchange market participants to offer traders the ability to perform oppositely directed deals on a single symbol on real accounts in the fifth generation platform. The new accounting system has been added to MetaTrader 5 at the end of April and has already received positive feedback from market participants. For example, one of the largest international Forex brokers Alpari has noted the significant growth of the number of new accounts. This confirms that currency traders actively use locking and prefer brokers offering such an opportunity. The interest in MetaTrader 5 has been sparked among exchanges as well. In less than a year, the number of brokers offering MetaTrader 5 on DGCX (Dubai Gold Commodities Exchange) has increased from 1 to 10. while growing from 1 to 5 on PMEX (Pakistan Mercantile Exchange), including the largest market maker of the exchange ACM Gold. A number of major international and national stock brokers are preparing to launch the platform in the near future, while the rest are planning its implementation. Such an excitement among Forex and exchange brokers is quite natural since MetaTrader 5 features the complete set of tools for trading in all financial markets. Powerful trading system, versatile technical and fundamental analysis, algorithmic and social trading, as well as other advantages of the popular platform have attracted traders from the very beginning. The recent advent of the hedging system and the web version allowing traders to work via any browser have dramatically accelerated the process of switching to MetaTrader 5. Boris Shilov, Chief Executive Officer of Alpari Alpari has decided to rely on MetaTrader 5 and turned out to be right says Boris Shilov, Chief Executive Officer of Alpari. In May 2016, MetaQuotes has released the long-awaited MetaTrader 5 platform version with bidirectional trading. This feature is familiar to most traders and maximizes the number of available strategies. Alpari has been the first one to offer the platform version on the market. Our clients are satisfied with the high speed of order execution, while we are satisfied with the increasing number of newly opened accounts. I believe that MetaTrader 5 is a worthy alternative to highly popular MetaTrader 4, and I am sure that MetaTrader 5 will become the key platform for our clients worldwide. Vitaly Avtaykin, managing director of RoboForex The ability to open hedge accounts has been much anticipated by brokers and traders. RoboForex team believes that MetaQuotes has made the right decision by adding this functionality to their MetaTrader 5 platform. We have no doubts that this step will contribute to the shift of industry standards from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5 in the near future states Vitaly Avtaykin, managing director of RoboForex. This is already confirmed by our actual experience: we are offering MetaTrader 5 hedge accounts since May 26, and they already comprise 54 of the total number of accounts, while their turnover is much higher compared to netting accounts. Successful companies always meet the needs of their clients states Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. We are glad that many brokers were quick to see traders needs and start offering the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. In doing so, they demonstrated their understanding of market trends and desire to provide traders with the most advanced technology. 13 June 2016 In July 2015, Menacorp became the first DGCX member to offer the MetaTrader 5 platform. In less than a year, the number of such brokers has increased to 10. The major players in the Middle East region, including Arab Global Commodities, AxiTrader ME, LT International and Krishi Gold, are among them. More and more traders now have an opportunity to trade the financial instruments available at the Dubai Gold Commodities Exchange utilizing all the advantages the MetaTrader 5 platform has to offer. They can download and launch any of the thousands ready-made trading robots, copy trading signals of successful traders and even rent virtual hosting directly in the platform. Thus, brokers offering MetaTrader 5 are able to provide their clients with advanced trading and analysis tools as well as all additional built-in features for efficient trading. MetaTrader 5 is rightfully in high demand among brokerage companies, since this is the most powerful solution for trading on financial markets states Manoj Choudhary, Head of the MetaQuotes Software Corp. representative office in Dubai (MetaFintech LLC ). Due to its technological superiority, the platform meets the needs of the most demanding traders significantly expanding their opportunities. 6 June 2016 The updated website of the MetaTrader 5 multi-asset trading platform metatrader5 has been launched. The streamlined site features an enhanced look-and-feel and completely updated content. In addition, the number of supported languages has been increased to 7: the new site is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Japanese and Russian. Visit metatrader5 and find out how to use the impressive functionality of your trading platform for the best trading experience. The new website provides in-depth information about what types of orders you can use on the platform, how to automate your trading by using robots, what tools to use for analyzing forex and exchange quotes, and much more. The main purpose of the website is to provide the user with comprehensive information, tips and tricks in the most convenient way through updated manuals, and images, as well as video tutorials with subtitles available in all featured languages. You can download the platform versions for your desktop PC and mobile devices. or you can instantly launch the MetaTrader 5 Web Platform directly from the website. Enhance your MetaTrader 5 knowledge and experience with the updated metatrader5 site 2 June 2016 On May 25-26, MetaQuotes Software Corp. participated at the iFX EXPO International 2016. This was a success event for MetaQuotes company, while new MetaTrader 5 license agreements were signed directly during the two-day exhibition. The remarkable number of visitors that attended both the MetaQuotes booth and the workshop Tips for Brokers to increase business efficiency through MetaTrader proves the high interest of brokers and banks in the companys products and services. The workshop was extremely popular as it gave MetaQuotes experts the chance to reveal the wide opportunities of the new MetaTrader 5 platform leading to an overcrowded Speaker Hall. To expand the capabilities of the MetaTrader trading platform, MetaQuotes was also in quest for new partners. During iFX EXPO, MetaQuotes held meetings with major liquidity providers, as well as financial industrys top data providers. Soon the company will officially reveal the results of these meetings and announce new MetaTrader 5 features. The entire planning of the iFX EXPO 2016, as well as the number of agreements and general interest of potential clients exceeded our expectations, CIO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. Aytugan Khafizov noted. During the exhibition, we had the opportunity to meet with representatives of leading brokerage and technology companies. The feedback we received will be our guide for further development of the MetaTrader 5 platform. 31 May 2016 In 2015, we reported on the first broker launching MetaTrader 5 in Pakistan. A year later, four out of ten leading brokers offer the platform according to the Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX). The most remarkable thing is that MTG Financials Limited implemented MetaTrader 5 in February 2016 and found itself among the five leading brokers of Pakistan by May making an impressive leap forward in just three months Thus, the major Pakistani market participants alrerady operate MetaTrader 5 successfully, providing their traders with the best solution for trading on PMEX. The platform features a powerful tool set for trading in all financial markets, including technical and fundamental analysis, creating and launching trading robots, testing trading strategies, as well as developing custom technical indicators and scripts. Obviously, we are the leading provider of the best solutions for online trading in Pakistan at the moment, METAPK (MetaQuotes Pakistan) Head Hamad Shah states. Four out of the top 10 brokers, as well as the largest PMEX market maker ACM Gold are already offering MetaTrader 5, while several other major PMEX members have also expressed their interest in the platform. Pakistan is a growing market with significant investment opportunities, and we are keen on further strengthening MetaTrader 5 positions here. METAPK contacts Building 285-FF Commercial Area, Phase 4, DHA Lahore, Pakistan Tel: 92 42 37309586, 92 42 37309587 E-mail: supportmetapk 20 May 2016 MetaQuotes Software Corp. will demonstrate the latest version of its multi-asset MetaTrader 5 platform at the iFX EXPO 2016 exhibition. The event is to be held on May 24-26 at the Palais de Sports in Limassol, Cyprus. The official release of the updated MetaTrader 5 platform with the hedging option has created quite a stir among brokers. Many companies want to learn more about the new opportunities provided by the updated platform. Participation in the largest international event, which brings together over 2,500 representatives of the financial industry, is an excellent occasion for MetaQuotes to present the new features of MetaTrader 5 to all attendee brokers. In their MetaTrader 5 Product Tour presentation, the companys specialists will showcase the new features of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform and the latest updates in its built-in services. The presentation will additionally demonstrate the advantages of the 5th generation platform comparing to MetaTrader 4, its enhanced trading capabilities for the retail, institutional and exchange markets, as well as the MetaTrader 5 Mobile Platforms for iOS and Android devices. During the event, the company will make the first exclusive public presentation of the MetaTrader 5 Web Platform. The web version also supports the hedging option, which enables traders to open multiple positions of the same financial instrument straight from the web browser. We have updated and improved the entire MetaTrader 5 product line, and we will present it at the iFX EXPO 2016, said Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The MetaTrader 5 desktop and mobile platforms, as well as its web version, now support the widely demanded hedging option. During the exhibition, we will showcase the key advantages of the MetaTrader 5 platform and will demonstrate how one multi-asset platform can help you offer the most technologically advanced brokerage services in any financial market. Every Forex and Exchange trader can access all the necessary tools for comfortable trading from one MetaTrader 5 platform. 19 May 2016 The latest build of MetaTrader 5 iOS allows you to quickly transfer the SSL certificate from the desktop to the mobile platform. You even do not need iTunes. Simply open your desktop MetaTrader 5 and select the transfer by right-clicking the account in the Navigator window. Specify the master password of the account in the new window and set the new password consisting of 8 digits to protect the certificate. Next, launch the mobile application and connect to your account. You will be immediately offered to import the certificate agree to do that and enter the numeric password you have set in the desktop MetaTrader 5. The transfer is complete. The certificate transfer via the trade server is secure: encryption is performed at the clients side, and the password you have set is not transferred or stored on the trade server. Another important innovation is support for the migration of accounts with open orders, positions, and trading history from MetaTrader 4. If the broker moves your account from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5, you will see the migration dialog window. The system will greet you, provide you with information on the new platform features, and offer to change your password. Update your application right now. The latest version of MetaTrader 5 with an increased security level is already available on the App Store 18 May 2016 The latest MetaTrader 4 Android build is already available for download on Google Play. Update your application right now and try the new features: Added a pop-up window with detailed information on deals. Examine order open and close time, browse through your comments to positions, and find out the broker commission in a single tap. Added the red line corresponding to the last bars Ask price allowing you to manage your trading more accurately. Improved news management. Select and read the news you really find useful and add desired materials to favorites. All changes of the analytical object settings are saved after closing the application. Install the latest MetaTrader 4 build on your Android device and use the new opportunities to trade Forex successfully 12 May 2016 The beta version of the multi-market MetaTrader 5 web platform has been released today. You can try it out on Forex right now. The only thing you need is an MQL5munity account and a demo account on MetaQuotes-Demo. The MetaTrader 5 web platform allows you to trade within the financial markets from any browser and operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux). You just need Internet connection. No additional software is required. The web version of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform has been designed due to numerous requests from brokerage companies striving to attract new traders. The new product combines convenience and cross-platform nature of the web terminal with the advantages of the desktop version of MetaTrader 5 speed, support for multiple markets, and expanded trading functions. The beta version already features the hedging system, 30 technical indicators, 24 analytical objects, and the entire set of the MetaTrader 5 trading orders. The MetaTrader 5 web platforms user interface has been translated into 41 languages to avoid any linguistic barriers. Take part in the public test of the MetaTrader 5 web platform and be among the first ones to test its features. If you detect an error, make sure to inform us on MQL5 Forum or via a Service Desk request . Launch the MetaTrader 5 web platform in your browser and evaluate its convenience right now 6 May 2016 The new build of the popular MetaTrader 4 mobile platform for iPhoneiPad is released with improved security. Now, you can set a PIN code or use Touch ID to restrict access to the application. If your iPhone or iPad falls into the hands of another person, your trading account remains secure. To activate the new function, enable Lock Screen in the SettingsAbout window and set a four-digit combination. Update your application to try the new feature. The latest version of MetaTrader 4 is now available on the App Store 22 April 2016 Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has released a new version of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform build 1325. The most important feature added is the hedging option. which until recently was only supported in MetaTrader 4. Now the platform permits users to open opposite positions of the same financial instrument. The introduction of the widely demanded hedging option is expected to encourage more traders and brokers to switch to MetaTrader 5. There are no more reasons to continue using MetaTrader 4: finally traders have the ability to use the familiar hedging method combined with all the advantages of the powerful MetaTrader 5 platform. Why use two platforms, when you can access all the required functionality in one of them commented Renat Fatkhullin, CEO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. MetaTrader 5 is not just a multi-asset platform, now it offers specific features for different financial markets. The netting trading system is available for exchange traders, while forex traders can use the familiar hedging mode. Also, the new MetaTrader 5 version allows testing trading robots and technical indicators using real tick history. The new feature increases the accuracy of reports on Expert Advisor testing and optimization thus reducing the risk of loss for traders. Another innovation in MetaTrader 5 is the built-in chat, which allows discussing financial news and trading strategies with other traders straight from the platform. The new platform version also features a more convenient user guide with more illustrations, explanatory diagrams, interactive images, and videos. The updated user guide contains less text while providing more useful information. 1 April 2016 The latest version of the MetaTrader 5 Android is already available for download on Google Play. One of the main features added is support for hedging. Now, you can open oppositely directed positions on a single currency pair. Open a hedge account to access the position accounting system that is well known from MetaTrader 4. The system allows you to have multiple positions (including opposite directed ones) on a single symbol. If you have an open position for a certain symbol and execute a new deal, a new position is opened, while the existing one remains intact. Apart from hedging, the updated MetaTrader 5 Android platform features the portrait mode. Now, you can browse conveniently through long lists of trading operations, as well as read your mail and financial news. Please note that hedging is currently available only for opening demo accounts on the MetaQuotes-Demo server. Brokers will be able to support hedging in MetaTrader 5 in the near future. 31 March 2016 The new MetaTrader 5 for iPhoneiPad features hedging. This means that you can open opposite directed positions on a single currency pair. Create a hedge account to access the position accounting system that is well known from MetaTrader 4. The system allows you to have multiple positions (including opposite directed ones) on a single symbol. If you have an open position for a certain symbol and execute a new deal, a new position is opened, while the existing one remains intact. Please note that hedging is currently available only for opening demo accounts on the MetaQuotes-Demo server. Brokers will be able to support hedging in MetaTrader 5 in the near future. 25 March 2016 MetaTrader 5 beta build 1281 featuring the hedging system has been released. Unlike the usual netting system, the hedging one allows conducting multiple trades even on opposite direction of the same symbol. Now, you can use the netting model to trade exchange instruments and the hedging one for currency trading using the MetaTrader 5 institutional platform. The new system of positions is similar to the widely known system applied in MetaTrader 4. However, MetaTrader 5 offers enhanced order management capabilities: filling orders using multiple deals, including partial fills. If a trader has an open position at a symbol and performs a new deal, a new position is opened. That is the core idea behind the MetaTrader 5 hedging system. The trader can set Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, as well as see the profit level for each of the positions. We invite everyone to join the public testing of the updated MetaTrader 5 multi-asset platform. In order to join the test, create a demo account on the MetaQuotes-Demo server and connect to it. The platform will automatically update to build 1281 and you will be able to create a demo account with the hedging position accounting system after setting the Use hedge in trading option in the dialog window. If you identify an error, please inform us via the mql5 forum or create a Service Desk request. While testing, please consider the following: Subscription to trading signals from hedging accounts does not work. Trading on a new hedge account works correctly only in MetaTrader 5 build 1281 and later builds. Some trading robots may trade incorrectly on a hedge account. Scripts, Expert Advisors, and indicators compiled using the new MetaEditor build will not run on virtual hosting. Apart from hedging, the MetaTrader 5 beta version features the updated user guide with tons of illustrations and video tutorials. Simply click F1 to get answers to most of your questions and enhance your knowledge of the platform. With the updated MetaTrader 5. it is no longer necessary to use different platforms for Forex and stock exchange. Now, this is a one-stop solution for trading on a variety of financial markets. Download the new beta build, try all the new features, and let us know the test results. With your help, we will make MetaTrader 5 even better 14 March 2016 MetaQuotes Software will demonstrate its latest technological innovations and upcoming developments at the iFX EXPO International 2016 which is to be held on May 24-26 at the Palais de Sports in Limassol, Cyprus. Participation in major B2B exhibitions such as iFX EXPO allows MetaQuotes Software to strengthen its position in the world market. iFX EXPO is the largest professional event that annually brings together key industry players: from distributors of technology solutions to brokers. At the iFX EXPO 2016, we will demonstrate new features of the MetaTrader 45 platforms and latest updates in the built-in trader services. We invite everyone to visit our booth. Be the first to experience our latest updates and find out all the details from our managers and specialists. See you at the event iFX EXPO International 2016 May 24-26, 2016 Palais des Sports - Spyros Kyprianou, Limassol, Cyprus 2 March 2016 17 video tutorials about the built-in services in the MetaTrader 45 platforms are now provided with subtitles in 7 languages in addition to English and Russian voice over. Now you can watch all videos about algorithmic trading, virtual hosting and trading signals with Spanish, Portuguese, German, Chinese, Japanese or Arabic subtitles. So the videos are available in 9 languages, which are native to the 3.2 billion people in more than 150 countries, and more than half of the worlds population speak at least one of them as a foreign language. It means that most of the traders from around the world can now view and understand the videos about the popular trading services. MetaQuotes official YouTube channel features 34 video tutorials with subtitles available in the English version. All the videos are organized into playlists for your convenience. The Market playlist demonstrates how to find a required application from the MetaTrader Market, as well as how to test, purchase and use it in the trading platform. Watch the videos about Virtual Hosting to learn how to rent a virtual platform and migrate your trading environment. Seven videos about copy trading walk you through the process of copying deals of professional traders to your trading account. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, watch the video tutorials in the language you understand and explore new trading possibilities. We speak your language now 26 February 2016 We are actively developing MetaTrader Virtual Hosting service by increasing the amount of data centers, and minimizing network latency to broker servers. This attracts traders seeking appropriate conditions for continuous operation of their robots and signal subscriptions. In a recent study, we found that clients of 190 brokers already use the service and rent virtual MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 copies. The most important factor when choosing a VPS service is a ping to a brokers server. The lower its value, the higher the trade execution speed. We pay the utmost attention to this parameter and strive to minimize network delays. Our study shows that the majority of our service users have the ping to a broker of less than 2 ms. More good news this week we have launched a new virtual hosting data center in Moscow. Now, traders can rent a virtual copy of their platform with minimum delays to broker servers located in Russia. This is the eighth data center for MetaTrader 45 virtual hosting: Amsterdam Frankfurt London New York Dallas Hong Kong Singapore Moscow Thousands of traders all over the world already use MetaTrader 45 virtual hosting. Its advantages are obvious. The service has been designed with traders needs in mind and is available for rent from the platform. Renting a virtual MetaTrader copy allows you to trade efficiently without worrying about your Internet connection speed, PC malfunctions, or energy supply failures. In short, this is the best option for a trouble-free robot operation and copy trading. The service is indispensable whenever non-stop trading is a critical requirement. The process of renting a virtual platform is simple and takes just a few clicks directly from MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 trading platforms. You can test the virtual hosting and assess the ping to your brokers server right now, since the first 24 hours of the service are free of charge. Do you actively use trading robots and signal subscriptions Then this service will assist you greatly. Rent the virtual MetaTrader right now, launch the platform copy, and check out the built-in hosting service performance 23 February 2016 The new version of the MetaTrader 4 web platform features the full set of indicators for technical analysis. Now, web traders can use all the 30 analytical tools that are available in the MetaTrader 4 desktop version. In addition to the updated set of indicators, we have added 14 more languages to the new web platform version: Differences in features available in MetaTrader 4 for iPad and iPhone In general, the mobile terminal for iPhone has become even more convenient due to the improved graphical system. At the same time, apart from native support for devices with all resolutions, MetaTrader 4 iPad offers more opportunities for Forex trading. Note: new mobile terminals in the AppStore are offered as a single universal application. without a separate version for iPhone and for iPad. So whether you have a smartphone or a tablet, you need to download the same application that will automatically be installed on your device, offering the maximum range of features. the upgrade is not available for iPhone 3G and older smartphones, though previous versions of MetaTrader 4 for iOS are still operable on these devices. Download the new MetaTrader 4 for your iPhone or iPad to get the new trading opportunities 1 May 2013 We are happy to announce the certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). It is one of the fastest-growing markets of Central and Eastern Europe, and WSE is the leader of this region in terms of capitalization, trading turnover and the number of quoted instruments. Now, any broker can use MetaTrader 5 to serve traders on this exchange. Certification means that MetaTrader 5 has passed all necessary tests and meets all requirements of the stock exchange. The special gateway has been developed for MetaTrader 5 to provide connection to Warsaw Stock Exchange. 18 April 2013 The MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile platforms hit the one million users mark, which clearly showed high demand for our mobile applications among the widest possible audience. The statistical data was gathered during a year from the date when MetaQuotes IDs were introduced in the mobile terminals. These unique identifiers allowed to determine the exact amount of actually used mobile terminals. 1 April 2013 We are pleased to announce the official certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Due to this, CME brokers now have the opportunity to use MetaTrader 5 when dealing with their customers at CME. The certification awarded officially denotes that MetaTrader 5 meets all the technical requirements set by CME in relation to futures trading. The trading platform connects to the exchange via a specially developed gateway that ensures correct handling of market data, as well as trading operations and generates reports as required by CME . 8 February 2013 The ISMAR Financial company was introduced as MetaQuotes official representative in Pakistan. The joint efforts of the two companies allowed to further strengthen their positions on the Indian subcontinent. ISMAR Financial provides sales and technical support for all products of MetaQuotes Software Corp. 24 January 2013 A few days ago, MetaTrader 5 iPhone users received an opportunity to arrange a chat conversation with any MQL5munity member. This feature has become a great alternative to paid SMS messages. Now, the same functionality is available for MetaTrader 4 iPhone mobile terminal users. Implementation of MetaQuotes ID (a unique and randomly generated identifier) ensures that this type of messaging is secure and prevents spam. Each user receives MetaQuotes ID when installing the mobile version of the terminal. It may look like this: 8B4E6A3D, or like this: F7ACA7F2. You can find your ID in Settings-gtMessages section. The advantages of the chat in MetaTrader 4 mobile version include instant delivery and free messages. The most important thing is that you are not tied to your phone number, as you can always use your MetaQuotes ID on any device. Specify the desired users login in a message recipients section to send a message directly to this users MQL5 profile or a mobile device. To do this, both you and your recipient should have MetaQuotes IDs specified in MQL5 profiles. Thus, you can communicate with any MQL5munity member at any time and at any place via mql5 web site or a mobile device. Speed, convenience and security - these are the main advantages of MetaTrader 4 iPhone and MetaTrader 5 iPhone internal chat. Download the latest version of MetaTrader 4 for iOS via AppStore and try it. Another new feature of MetaTrader 4 iPhone is classification of messages. Now, all messages received from the system are divided into five types according to their senders: Chat conversation with MQL5 users Broker brokers messages Terminal alerts and notifications from launched Expert Advisors Community various messages from MQL5, including depositing funds on the account or execution of an ordered work Other anything that is not related to the previous 4 types. Besides, MetaTrader 4 iPhone now has the improved server list download and the ability to change an account password. Localization is also going at full speed: the application now features Polish and Czech languages. The new socialization features will soon be introduced in Android applications MetaTrader 4 Android and MetaTrader 5 Android. Stay tuned for update releases 23 November 2012 The award ceremony took place at the inaugural Forex Magnates Summit 2012 in London on November 14. The event was attended by over 500 influential players in Forex and derivatives markets. According to Forex Magnates, the event was the first of its kind as senior members of the retail and institutional FX markets were brought together under one roof. 19 November 2012 One week has passed since the release of the previous MetaTrader 4 Android update. but we have already prepared the next version of the application. Apart from Crosshair, the Android version of the popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform now also features Data Window. The new feature provides more convenient working conditions users can view indicator values at the specified point of the chart. Update your MetaTrader 4 Android to enhance your analytical Forex trading tools. The mobile platform development continues, and the upcoming updates will also be quite interesting. Stay tuned 12 November 2012 The new released version of the mobile trading platform MetaTrader 4 Android has fixed issues found in the previous versions and features the Crosshair mode. The updated application now allows users to easily view the date, price and indicator value at any chart point selected. This makes for more convenient program use for traders. 2 November 2012 MetaQuotes Software Corp. won in the Best Forex Software Developers nomination of Forex Expo Awards. The award ceremony was part of Forex Expo 2012 held in Moscow, in Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel. The competition was attended by more than 60 nominees striving to win in 15 nominations including Broker of the Year, Best Educational Forex Website, Best Media Resource and others. 10 October 2012 MetaTrader platforms started providing social trading services through Trading Signals . This opened up an opportunity for users to follow trading operations of successful traders and automatically copy them in the platform. MetaTrader platforms keep offering new functions and options. The Trading Signals service is another important feature presented to traders. Now any MetaTrader user can benefit from the built in feature, which enables automatic copying of trades performed by professional traders. It is a simple ready-to-use solution for investors and money managers. 8 October 2012 We have implemented several changes into the MetaTrader 4 for iPhone mobile trading platform. Firstly, support for background mode has been added to the new version of this popular application. This means that when the application is closed, it switches to the background mode saving the current operating state. The next launch of the application occurs immediately from where it was stopped. Secondly, traffic usage has been greatly optimized, the list of servers is now downloaded much faster, allowing you to start working with the mobile terminal almost instantly. The audio signal is now activated when receiving a push notification. If necessary, the signal can be disabled in the notification settings. Download the new MetaTrader 4 for iPhone via App Store and try out all these new features. MetaTrader 4 for iPhone provides fully functional Forex trading and includes an efficient arsenal of the most critical technical analysis tools (30 technical indicators) allowing ease of use in everyday trading activities. PS: The special iPad version of MetaTrader 4 will be released soon. So, follow the news our development of mobile applications never stops Download MetaTrader 4 iPhone 26 September 2012 FXStreet News Feeds and Analytics Now Available in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Platforms. This will significantly expand opportunities for traders allowing them to use additional information when making their trading decisions. 27 August 2012 MetaQuotes Software Corp. has received the official confirmation of successful certification of MetaTrader 5 Online Trading Platform by the largest Brazilian exchange BMampFBOVESPA . The certification marks the successful completion of the compatibility between the MetaTrader 5 platform and the FMampFBOVESPA Exchange system. The certificate confirms that the MetaTrader 5 technology meets all requirements of the Exchange, supports the Exchange trading technology and has successfully completed all the compliance and technical requirements. 22 August 2012 Although our major efforts are focused on improving and enhancing the functionality of MetaTrader 5 for Android at the moment, we do not forget about the users of the fourth version of the popular trading platform. MetaTrader 4 Android has received many important features: optimized web traffic usage, support for low resolution devices and display of available servers update progress. Several errors in the following cases have been fixed: closing positions if only long positions are allowed at a symbol, determining whether a devices conventional keyboard is open, opening new demo accounts. The new version of MetaTrader 5 for Android with technical indicators and push notifications will be released in late August or early September. Update your MetaTrader 4 for Android and rate it. 13 June 2012 The first version of MetaTrader 4 Android was released two months ago. Two weeks ago it got the support of 30 technical indicators. and now the time has come to deliver another good news. MetaTrader 4 Android has got push notifications similar to MetaTrader 4 iPhone. Download the new version of the mobile platform to be able to push notifications from MetaTrader 4 and MQL5munity website to your MetaTrader 4 Android. For example, you can receive trading signals to buy or sell a financial security sent by your trading robot from MetaTrader 4 . To work with push notifications in MetaTrader 4 Android. you will need Android OS version 2.2 or higher, active Google account on your smartphonetablet PC and access to Google servers. With our terminal you will realize that mobile trading using MetaTrader 4 Android provides exceptional convenience combined with powerful functionality. The Crosshair mode (for easy viewing of the date, price or indicator value at the selected point of the chart) and the Data Window (for viewing indicator values at the specified point of the chart) will appear soon in the future versions of MetaTrader 4 Android. 8 June 2012 We have implemented a number of improvements in MetaTrader 4 mobile trading platform making the new version more convenient for users. First of all, MetaTrader 4 iPhone has got push notifications following MetaTrader 5 iPhone. Download the new version of the mobile platform to be able to push notifications from MetaTrader 4 and MQL5munity website to your MetaTrader 4 iPhone. For example, you can receive trading signals to buy or sell a financial security sent by your trading robot from MetaTrader 4 . Besides, the application now supports not only English but 10 other languages (including major European ones): The work on improving the mobile terminals does not end at this stage. MetaTrader 4 for Android will also get push notifications soon. Besides, some other useful innovations will be implemented in all of our mobile terminals running on all mobile OS that we support. 30 May 2012 The new version of MetaTrader 4 Android mobile terminal has been released today. Now the application allows not only to trade but also to analyze the quotes using 30 technical indicators. MetaTrader 4 Android is designed for mobile trading via smartphones and Tablet PCs powered by Android OS. The application allows to connect to more than 720 MetaTrader 4 servers. There is no need to deal with dozens of various applications any more, - said Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. - Now you can work with more than 450 brokers all over the world via the single mobile terminal. List of MetaTrader 4 Android technical indicators Accelerator Oscillator AccumulationDistribution Alligator Average Directional Movement Index Average True Range Awesome Oscillator Bears Power Bollinger Bands Bulls Power Commodity Channel Index DeMarker Envelopes Force Index Fractals Gator Oscillator Ichimoku Kinko Hyo MACD Market Facilitation Index Momentum Money Flow Index Moving Average Moving Average of Oscillator On Balance Volume Parabolic SAR Relative Strength Index Relative Vigor Index Standard Deviation Stochastic Oscillator Volumes Williams Percent Range Our mobile terminals get improvements and new features regularly. Technical indicators in MetaTrader 4 Android prove that once more. Now traders have the fully-featured mobile terminal allowing them to make analytically reasonable trading decisions. Data Window and support for Push notifications are to be added to the terminal in the future. Note: all mobile terminals of MetaQuotes Software Corp. are distributed absolutely for free. 2 May 2012 The emc2Trading Solutions company became the official agent of MetaQuotes Software Corp. in Brazil. This is the companys seventh international representative office in the world and the first one in Latin America. Emc2Trading Solutions provides sales and support for the entire product line of MetaQuotes Software Corp. 18 April 2012 The MetaTrader 4 mobile application with native support for tablets is released for Android devices. All mentioned features are available in MetaTrader 4 for Android, which provides you the possibility of online trading in any place and at any time. By downloading MetaTrader 4 for Android for free you get a convenient and reliable working tool that will always be with you. The owners of Android powered tablet PCs have even more reasons for joy - the application has native support of these devices 18 April 2012 Two months ago the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform got the mobile version for iOS and users of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch received the powerful tool for Forex trading. Could we forget about Android OS in that situation No way, - our developers said and released MetaTrader 4 for Android. Therefore, the product that has become favorite for many traders now can operate on any device powered by the Googles operating system. From today, all Android users can trade, analyze the market using charts, watch the quotes 24 hours a day and examine the history of performed deals without giving up their favorite MetaTrader 4 platform. All mentioned features are available in MetaTrader 4 for Android, which provides you the possibility of online trading in any place and at any time. By downloading MetaTrader 4 for Android for free you get a convenient and reliable working tool that will always be with you. The owners of Android powered tablet PCs have even more reasons for joy - the application has native support of these devices We want to assure you that the work on the mobile platform continues: the implementation of technical indicators is the question of the nearest future. Besides, the functionality of the program will be expanded providing new opportunities for mobile traders. Stay tuned the news about the upcoming events are going to be exciting. If you like the application, please, rate it in the Android Market. This will help other traders to pay attention to it and thereby expand the Android community of MetaTrader 4 platform users. Thank you in advance 5 April 2012 MetaQuotes Software Corp. and SMX (Singapore Mercantile Exchange) hold the trading championship. The competition was held at SMX exchange and students from the following Singaporean universities were invited: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University. The first place went to Song Jiashun Marc, the student of Singapore Management University (SMU) who increased his initial deposit by half in just over two weeks. 20 March 2012 MetaQuotes Software Corp. is pleased to announce the certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by GBOT (Global Board of Trade) - the first international multi-asset class exchange from Mauritius. After fulfilling all the technical requirements of the African exchange, our company has been granted the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) status from GBOT and now our trading platform can connect to this exchange via a special gateway. 1 March 2012 This year we have repeatedly informed about our active work on increasing the number of exchanges supported by MetaTrader 5 platform. And today we are pleased to announce that our company has been granted the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) status from the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX). This means that DGCX Members will be able to use MetaTrader 5 trading platform through a special gateway to provide services to their trading clients. Thus, DGCX has become the third international exchange supported by MetaTrader 5 platform. 15 February 2012 The development of the MetaTrader 5 Android platform did not stop and a serious work was done to expand the product functionality. As a result, new MetaTrader 5 for Android with chart support support and optimization for tablet PCs was released. Charts in the application allowed traders to visually keep track of symbol quotes and to instantly respond to any changes in the market situation. 2 February 2012 The popular online trading platform became available to all users of iOS powered devices. Comfortable Forex trading through MetaTrader 4 became available on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The platform supports over 350 brokerage firms and that is not the final list yet, so anyone can easily find a suitable broker. The new mobile platform MetaTrader 4 for iPhone provides fully functional Forex trading, efficient arsenal of essential technical analysis tools (30 technical indicators) and convenient mobility. 2 February 2012 Recently we have reported about the upcoming release of the long-awaited MetaTrader 4 mobile platform for iPhone. And it has finally happened. Beginning from this day the most powerful online trading tool is available to all users of iOS powered devices. Now it is possible to use MetaTrader 4 on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch for Forex trading. It will be quite easy to find or select a suitable broker for trading: the platform already supports over 350 brokerage firms and that is not the final list yet. The new MetaTrader 4 mobile platform for iPhone is able to impress the traders of all skill levels by its broad capabilities. Fully functional Forex trading, efficient arsenal of the most critical technical analysis tools (30 technical indicators) and ease of use in everyday activities - all these features are available in MetaTrader 4 for iPhone. You can easily access financial markets from anywhere in the world, at any time and for free. Such possibilities are now available with MetaTrader 4 for iPhone. No compromises are tolerated The powerful MetaTrader 4 system is now in your pocket 25 January 2012 Many traders around the world choose MetaTrader 4 mobile platforms for their convenient and powerful tools that provide all the necessary features for trading Forex. However, the market of mobile applications keeps evolving, and in the next two weeks a new mobile version of the MetaTrader 4 trading platform for iOS powered devices will be released. This means that in addition to MetaTrader 5. you will be able to use MetaTrader 4 on your iPhone and iPad. Today the platform supports over 350 brokerage firms, and even more will appear in the list soon, so you will easily find your broker to trade using the MetaTrader 4 mobile platform. Fully functional Forex trading, use of technical analysis (30 technical indicators) and the possibility to control your account any time and from anywhere in the world all these exciting features are available in the MetaTrader 4 for iPhone. With our mobile platform, you can trade currencies and access financial markets from any location. And all this is for free 20 November 2011 We are pleased to announce that weve started the development of the MetaTrader 4 mobile trading platform for Apple iOS powered smartphones and tablet PCs. Upon the completion of the development, your traders will receive new mobile trading platforms for Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The new mobile application for MetaTrader 4 will support trading, charting and technical indicators rights from its first release. We have already implemented authorization on trade servers and trade functions in the MetaTrader 4 iPhone. Along with the further development of the MetaTrader 4 iPhone, more details will be published. Follow the news. 14 October 2011 The new MQL5 Cloud Network service was launched. It networked the computers of many users from all over the world into a cloud computing network to provide additional computing capacities to the users who needed resources for their specific objectives (for example, for optimizing trading robots). The launch of the MQL5 Cloud Network is a logical step in the strategic program aimed at accelerating optimization. First, remote testing agents were added in the terminal, through which multi-threaded testing became possible. This allowed traders to greatly increase the speed of Expert Advisor optimization. With the launch of the MQL5 Cloud Network, they can finally forget about long hours and days spent waiting for the completion of testing. And most importantly - the processing power of the network is available not only to traders, but also to anyone who needs additional power. For example, for research involving complex calculations. 10 October 2011 The official version of the mobile trading platform MetaTrader 5 for Android has been released. Now you can trade on the Forex and stock markets using your smartphone or tablet PC powered by the operation system from Google. Using this application, you can trade, view real-time quotes and access your trading history 24 hours a day. 16 June 2011 MetaQuotes Software Corp. launched the Market of MQL5 applications and the Freelance service. This is a meeting place for traders who need Expert Advisors or indicators and MQL5 developers who provide various applications. Market is where traders go to quickly and easily purchase MQL5 programs: Expert Advisors, indicators, trading panels and various analytical tools. And those who have not found the right application in the Market, can order one to be developed by experienced programmers from the Freelance service. The ordering procedure is very simple: traders offer the price, describe the algorithm of the application they need and select a contractor. For MQL5 developers, Market and Freelance provide a great opportunity to capitalize on their skills. Anyone can register as a seller, offer their programs in the Market service or develop exclusive applications. All the products in the Market are subject to strict moderation prior to publication - our specialists carefully review each application to eliminate harmful and incorrect programs. Traders can purchase applications or order development straight from the MetaTrader platform or from their MQL5 account. 5 May 2011 The MetaTrader 5 platform was certified by the RTS stock exchange (now Moscow Exchange ). This opened up an opportunity for the brokers working on Moscow Exchange to use our platform for providing services to their traders, while forex brokers got an opportunity to expand their business and offer trading on MOEX to their clients. 11 February 2011 MetaTurk Financial Software started its operation as companys official agent in Turkey becoming MetaQuotes sixth official office around the world. MetaTurk Financial Softwares objectives include technical support of the entire product line of MetaQuotes Software Corp. Our new official agent offers a full range of services to the customers using MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms and the TeamWox business management system. 18 January 2011 With MetaTrader 5 for iPhone and iPad, traders received an opportunity to perform deals, analyze the markets, track their accounts and financial information 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world. 31 December 2010 For over 12 weeks, trading robots of 314 Participants competed for the prize money of 80,000 US dollars in Automated Trading Championship 2010. Expert Advisors developed in the new MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) participated in the 2010 Championship. The first place and the prize of 40 000 went to the Russian developer Boris Odintsov. His Expert Advisor earned 77 000. The Championship became a place where developers from around the world showcased their best developments to prove the ever growing popularity of automated trading. 10 October 2010 In late October 2010, MQL5 Wizard was released as a new component of the MetaTrader 5 terminal. The wizard automatically generates the code of a trading robot. With MQL5 Wizard, knowledge of programming languages is no longer a prerequisite for creating trading robots - the application performs all the operations required for creating an Expert Advisor. The program creates different EA modules to significantly simplify the robot development process. A user only has to set parameters and select the necessary components. MQL5 Wizard will do the rest. 1 June 2010 MetaTrader 5 trading platform was released in 2010. Unlike MetaTrader 4, it allows trading both on Forex and the world stock exchanges. At the moment, MetaTrader 5 is a powerful working tool providing plenty of opportunities: stock and Forex trading, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, programming trading robots, MQL5 development environment, multicurrency strategy tester, MetaTrader Market of trading applications, social trading, and Freelance service for ordering custom trading robots. 3 March 2010 MQL5 website for MQL5 application developers appeared in 2010. Currently, this is the most powerful community of trading robot developers in the world providing a plethora of various services social trading, market of trading applications, library of free MQL programs, Freelance service, blogs, articles and all necessary documentation. 5 May 2009 In May 2009, we opened a new office in Sydney (Australia). The new office sells and supports all MetaQuotes products providing a complete service to customers from Asia-Pacific region. 1 February 2009 In 2006, we have developed our first corporate management system (Groupware ) for the needs of the company. Initially, the application was not for sale. It enabled us to establish effective interaction within the company and solve the issues caused by its rapid growth. Over time, we decided that such issues are typical of all companies, and groupware systems can be useful to them. Thus, the development of TeamWox commercial system started. Currently, it incorporates all our achievements and experience in the development and use of groupware systems. TeamWox is a simple, convenient and functional tool for managing a modern company. In early 2009, TeamWox system made its debut on the market becoming available for sale. TeamWox basic version contains a free VOIP telephony, an electronic document flow, automated reports, a unified client base with sales funnel, the integration with company websites and a technical support module. 27 December 2008 Over a period of 13 weeks (from October 1 to December 26, 2008), trading robots of the Championship participants competed for the grand prize - the title of the Best Expert Advisor of the Year and the prize fund of 80 000. The Championship gathered Expert Advisors with different trading strategies, algorithms and trading symbol sets. Thanks to the participants, we were able to enhance our understanding of the automated trading. For many participants, the competition was a good opportunity to test and evaluate their trading robots without interfering with their work. Kiril Kartunov won the award for The first place in the Automated Trading Championship 2008 and 40 000, while his trading robot was entitled the Best Expert Advisor of the Year. 1 February 2008 In February 2008, a free manual on MQL4 programming was published with the support of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The book can be found on our website at book. mql4 . The publication is designed for a wide range of readers who want to develop their own automated trading programs for MetaTrader 4 platform. The book features new terms and can be of interest to experienced automated strategy developers as well. 15 November 2007 Userguide for MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE for Smartphones is released. The new Userguide contains the full description of the features and functions of the mobile terminal for smartphones and consists of the following sections: 1. Getting Started: the terminal installation, account opening, authorization system, LiveUpdate system. 2. Terminal Settings: connection to the server and Data Center, notification of system events. 3. User Interface: menus and tabs of the program. 4. Analytics: description of built-in technical indicators. 5. Trading: order types, execution modes and trade positions. 1 June 2007 The development of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE has been completed. Using it, you can get access to financial markets and make trades worldwide. The embedded symbol charts and technical indicators, as well as financial news, will help to make a decision about whether to open or close a position. Trading tramite questo terminale è completamente riservato e assolutamente sicuro. If it is necessary, you can find trading history in your MetaTrader 4 Mobile any time. MetaTrader 4 Mobile Smartphone Edition: charts a modern terminal cannot operate without graphical displaying of price movements support of technical indicators that helps to analyze price movements on symbols the full set of trade orders that allows flexible management of ones trading activities sounds alerting about changes in the market there is no need anymore to observe charts constantly access to news allows making well-reasoned decisions regarding the most recent developments on financial markets. 23 April 2007 The development of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE has almost been completed. At the moment, we can offer everybody a beta version of the new mobile terminal for smartphones. Download the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE and take part in the development of the new terminal. Your opinions and comments are very important to us. Having downloaded the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE, you get: - the full set of trade orders - symbol charts - Market Watch - history of trades - news in the real-time mode - alerts - mailing system. Official release of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE is planned for the 1st of June 2007. In addition to the functions already embedded in the terminal, the full version will also have technical indicators . Technical requirements needed to use the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE: - a smartphone operated by the MS Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition for smartphones or a later version - screen size 176220 pixels or larger - 5 MB free memory. Registration Keys Registration keys for MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE can be purchased right now. Like MetaTrader 4 Mobile, the new terminal is distributed under TryampBuy conditions. The MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE can be used within one week without any limitations. For further use, it will be necessary to purchase a registration key (45). If you have already purchased such a key for any other mobile trading terminal produced by our company, you can use it to work with the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE, as well. 20 March 2007 We resume the development of MetaTrader 4 Mobile Smartphone Edition (SE). Let us remind you that MetaTrader 4 Mobile a mobile terminal for PDA Pocket PC is being used at the moment in MetaTrader 4 Platform. For it to operate, a PDAmobile phone with GPRS or a communicator are usually utilized. As distinct from this one, the new product will not require a PDA or a communicator working directly from a mobile phone with MS Windows Mobile for Smartphones OS. The release of the new terminal beta version is planned for the 1st of May, official release for the 1st of June 2007. 19 March 2007 MetaQuotes Software Corp. opened its fourth representative office in Shanghai (China). 23 December 2006 In 2006, rich functionality of MQL4 environment enabled the company to arrange the first annual Automated Trading Championship. Never before had the world seen a competition of Expert Advisors of such a scale. Trading robots of 258 developers competed for a prize fund of 80 000 in this 12-week contest. The winner Roman Zamozhnyy increased his deposit by 250 and received 40 000. The Championship sparked interest among traders and brokers encouraging further development of the automated trading around the world. 5 December 2006 MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal is a new component of MetaTrader 4 Online Trading Platform. The MultiTerminal is intended for simultaneous management of multiple accounts, for which is mostly helpful for those whom manage investors accounts and for traders working with many accounts simultaneously. The new terminal successfully combines great functionalities that allow effective trading with many accounts and with exceptional usability. The program interface is similar to that of the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal. It is very simple, any trader using the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal can easily get acquainted to this new program within a few minutes. 23 November 2006 MetaTrader 4 Mobile Userguide has been released. The Userguide contains full description of mobile terminal features and functions and includes the following sections: 1. Getting Started: terminal installation and startup, opening of accounts, authorization system, LiveUpdate system 2. Terminal Settings: connection to the server, sound notifications 3. User Interface: main menu Tools, toolbar, tabs and windows of the mobile terminal 4. Analytics: line studies, indicators 5. Trading: order types, execution modes, orders management. 1 July 2005 After two years of development, the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform was released becoming the de facto standard in Forex trading and providing millions of traders with a reliable working tool. Traditionally, the product was developed from scratch and featured a number of fundamental differences. Innovations were implemented practically everywhere - from the new mobile terminals up to the fundamentally new distributed architecture of the entire platform. The client terminal once again became the most functional and popular on the market. The new platform also featured MQL4 IDE - a trading strategy development environment which revolutionized the development of the automated trading applications. The version for mobile devices MetaTrader 4 Mobile was released in October 2005. 1 July 2005 We are glad to inform that our latest development, online trading platform MetaTrader 4, has been released on July, 1. MetaTrader 4 is one of the best platforms in the world designed for organizing brokerage service on Forex, CFD, and Futures. This new system has been developed for almost one and a half of a year. Our complex has been largely changed during this time period following the dynamic environment of financial markets. Something had to be rejected, other new things were realized. In any case, these changes were imposed by the striving for making MetaTrader 4 even more perfect and convenient tool for financial markets. Our clients both brokers and traders rendered invaluable assistance in the whole course of the developing period. We are happy to express our thanks to all those who supported us, made suggestions and generated ideas for improving of the new system. With your help, we managed to make MetaTrader 4 even better. Thank you very much 15 June 2005 On the 1st of July, 2005, our new Forex trading system MetaTrader 4 will be released officially. The software complex will go on sale and a free new version of the client terminal (part of the complex) will appear on our website on the first day of the month. MetaTrader 4 is a complete solution designed to provide brokerage services at Forex, CFD, and Futures markets. It includes both client terminal to be installed on the traders computer and back office components to process trading operations on the brokers side. MetaTrader 4 is the fourth version of Forex trading platform developed by our company. The new system is 3 to 5 times more productive than its predecessor. Reliability, security, ability to efficiently resist net attacks are absolute advantages of the new system. More than one and a half year was taken by the developing on this new system. In this process, the developers cooperated closely with many brokerage companies and banks from all over the world. The most of them, considering the new system for more suitable, declared their upgrading for MetaTrader 4 even before it had been completed. Almost a year has passed since the first mention of the new system up to the beta-version release, said CEO of MetaQuotes Software, Renat Fatkhullin. Now, after seven more months of testing, we can finally say: We did it 22 December 2004 On December 22, 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp. opened its new office in Singapore. Qualified staff members fluent in English, Japanese and Chinese provide all necessary assistance to clients. 15 December 2004 On December 15, we launched the MQL4 website a community for the users of the new MetaTrader 4 platform, which is scheduled to be released in summer 2005. In addition to a forum, the site will feature educational materials related to trading and programming in the MQL4 language, as well as various services to enhance the functionality of the new trading platform. Read articles, discuss the functions of MetaTrader 4, and share your experience with fellow traders welcome to the new community website 20 October 2003 The first mobile terminals for Forex trading (MetaTrader 3 CE and MetaTrader for Palm) were released in 2003. The terminals were quickly appreciated by users expanding the companys customer base and boosting MetaTraders popularity in the world. 17 July 2003 MetaTrader Trading Platform product was also developed from scratch and featured improved efficiency and functionality once again making it more efficient than its predecessor. The list of supported markets was expanded by the Futures, while the client terminal received the new language of trading strategies - MQL II. 18 December 2000 Release of the MetaQuotes trading platform. The new platform differed from its predecessor in its higher functionality and suitability for work both on Forex and CFD market. Most importantly, the new client terminal was supplied with a built-in language for programming trading strategies - the MetaQuotes Language (MQL). It allowed users to develop trading robots. 27 November 2000 MetaQuotes Software Corp. is established. The FX Charts trading application is released. This software was a truly revolutionary new product on the specialized Forex broker software market. The first customers were attracted. To view links or images in this forum your post count must be 1 or greater. Attualmente hai 0 post. Per visualizzare i link o le immagini in questo forum il numero dei tuoi messaggi deve essere 1 o più. Attualmente hai 0 post. 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